God’s beloved


Have you met my son? The proud father asked with excitement. The young man had graduated as a medical doctor, and his father was showing him off to people around him. In our text today, John the Baptist had told the people, “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose” (Mark 1:9). He had thought Jesus would be the one to baptize him (Matthew 3:14). But when they eventually met, Jesus submitted to John’s baptism. And this was exactly what the Father wanted: “For now, this is how it should be, because we must do all God wants us to do” (Matthew 3:15 CEV). Jesus’ willingness to do all that the Father wants (Psalm 40:8) made the Father publicly show off His Beloved Son.

In this New Year (2024), you can be God’s Beloved Son or Daughter (one who God can proudly show off to the world) by obeying His word and by always doing that which pleases Him (His will). Happy New Year!

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