Feeding For Divine Purpose

Feeding For Divine Purpose

Text: John 21:11-13


  1. To understand the essence of God’s dealings in our lives.
  2. To understand the need to fulfill Divine purpose.


God has a purpose for everything he does. It has been his pattern to prepare the vessels he will use ahead of time. God does this preparation by feeding these vessels with the spiritual nutrients and nourishment that is needed so as to fulfill his mandate. Jesus in his side during his earthly ministry took maximum time to nurture and teach ordinary men who became true disciples. The concept of feeding in this context explains God’s dealings and training which aims at preparing us to do his divine purposes here on earth. It is a burden in God’s heart that we will take this as one of our Lenten meditation because his purposes are abused for lack of knowledge. This study is geared to open our eyes to understand and appreciate God6s dealings and investments in our lives.


  1. What do you understand by this word, “feeding” Consider also the following passages: Luke 1:53; Matthew 14:16; Acts 4:32, 34; James 2:15-16.
  2. ⁠ ⁠Explain the concept “divine purpose” while considering the following scriptures:
    1. Doing good works with Christ/Service.Eph 2:10;
    2. Discipling nations. Matthew 28:19-20; 16:24.
    3. True worship and sharing in his holiness. John 4:23-24; Rom.12:1; I Peter 2:9.
    4. Evangelism/Soul winning and become Witnesses. John 1v6-8; Luke 9v1-2; Rom 10: 14; Acts 1:8.
    5. Dominion. Gen.1v26-28; 1 John 4:4; Luke 10:19.
  3. What are God’s feeding tools for achieving this preparation process? Consider the passages:
    1. His Word. 1 Peter 2:1-2; 2 Tim.3:16-17; Psalm 119:103; Deut.8:3; Job 23:12; John 4: 32-34.
    2. His pruning and chastisement. Hebrews.12:5-10.
  4. Explain the need for this feeding for divine purpose. Read the passages: 2 Cor. 5:19; Acts 1:8;
    1. Salvation
    2. Character
    3. Capacity and strength.
    4. Understanding for stamina
  5. What are the dangers of dodging his feeding?
    1. Backsliding and weakness
    2. Falling into temptation.
    3. Unprepared for the battles.
    4. Untimely death.


Divine Purpose will always dictate the right feeding and training. For the vessel God will use He will feed with the right
food to fulfill His purpose


He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs (NKJV)