King David, in his address to Solomon and the leaders of Israel, emphasized the importance of seeking God with a whole heart and a willing mind. He encouraged them to know God and serve Him faithfully; reminding them that God searches the heart and understands every intention. David’s words underscore the truth that our relationship with God is not just about outward actions, but it is a matter of the heart and the mind. His good heart was portrayed when he made adequate provision to ensure the success of his successor. He was not a selfish leader but a selfless leader. He offered support and encouragement to Solomon, all because he was committed and sought God’s guidance. Remember the importance of seeking God wholeheartedly and serving Him faithfully. When we seek God with sincerity and are committed to serving Him, He will guide us and bless us in our endeavors. Your commitment to Him will guide your actions and bring blessings into your life as well to others