In this passage, we find King David addressing the assembly of Israel, sharing that he had intended to build a house for the Lord, but God chose his son Solomon for this task. David, in his humility and obedience to God’s will, prepared the way for Solomon, providing him with guidance, resources, and encouragement to fulfill this great undertaking. This story reminds us that sometimes, God’s plans for us may differ from our own desires or expectations.However, it is our response to God’s calling and our willingness to prepare the way for the next generation that truly matters. Just as David supported Solomon’s divine calling; we should embrace God’s purpose for our lives and support those who come after us. Our ultimate success is perfected when our successors succeed. As you begin your day, remember that your role in God’s plan, even if it is not what you initially expected, can have a profound impact when you embrace it with humility and faith.