Waiting in promise

In today’s passage, we witness the disciples in a period of waiting. They had spent years with Jesus, witnessed His teachings and miracles, and saw Him crucified and resurrected. But now, Jesus had ascended into heaven, and they were left waiting for the promised Holy Spirit. We can relate to seasons of waiting in our lives. It is during these times that our faith is tested, and we may question God’s plan. However, just as the disciples did, we must remember that God’s timing is perfect. He has a plan for each of us, and He fulfills His promises.During their wait, the disciples came together in prayer and unity. They devoted themselves to seeking God’s will. In the same way, let us use our waiting periods to draw closer to God, to pray, to seek His guidance, and open our hearts to Hs transforming work. The Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus, came upon the disciples with power and changed the course of history. This same Spirit is available to us today, to empower us, guide us, and bring us closer to God. As we go about our day, let us remember that our waiting is not in vain. God’s promises are sure, and His timing is perfect.