At the scene of Jesus’ ascension which we commemorate today, He reminded the disciples of the promise of God and made a commitment to fulfil it as we see in Luke 24: 49 of our passage today. Obedience and patient waiting were necessary roles expected from the disciples. Jesus practically ascending to heaven in their presence was a fulfilled promise. We can see the disciples trusting in his words, and obediently returning to Jerusalem with great joy in expectation of the fulfilment of the Lord’s promise. Obedience to the word of God helps our faith when we patiently wait for God’s promises which never fail. Jesus’ ascension which took place in the presence of the Apostles was one of the foretold accompanying events with His death. The promise of power also came to pass as recorded in Acts 2: 1-4. We must also be reminded that His second coming is one of the promises Christ made. Let us always trust and obey the word of God for they are true and will come to pass. “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one little of my word shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled“(Matt.5: 18).