He came to save

Yesterday we read about the Jews’ refusal to believe in Jesus and in today’s lesson, for the last time in his public ministry, Jesus declared that He is the light of the world, fulfilling the declaration of John about him in John 1:3-4. The world is full of darkness and the dark works of satan in different ramifications. Jesus is the light of the world; his absence in one’s life keeps one in total darkness and enables the devil and demons to manipulate one.
 Likewise, He declared his mission to save the whole world which is under satanic bondage. Jesus is the answer to every challenge that one could have such as the bondage of sin, sickness, or satanic oppression. Accept him today because in him, there is life in abundance. The entire world is confused and in great trouble because the Saviour has not been recognised; He has not been given his rightful position. Accept him today and you will be free! The power of darkness will no longer prevail over your life and sin will become a thing of the past. Above all, you will become a candidate of heaven with Christ in you!