Inspiring Innovation and Faith: Recap of the Anglican Students Association Day at All Saints’ Cathedral Onitsha

Students from all secondary schools within the Diocese on the Niger convened today, February 24, 2024, at the All Saints’ Cathedral Onitsha to celebrate the annual student convention, popularly known as Anglican Students Association (ASA) Day.

The convention, which began with a Holy Communion service presided over by the Bishop on the Niger, Rt. Rev. Dr. Owen Nwokolo saw a great turnout of students and their teachers.

Taking the text of his sermon which he titled “The Consequences of Sin and Error” from 1 Samuel 2:30–33, the Bishop charged all present to avoid Sin in all its ramifications.

Going further, he challenged teachers and parents to be worthy role models for the youth and declared that obedience and faithfulness to God are the sure ways to overcome sin and its consequences.

The Bishop highlighted how memorable the day is as it marks the 45th inauguration anniversary of the Church of Nigeria as a province in the Anglican Communion and also the feast of St. Mathias. He therefore encouraged all to emulate the dedication, zeal, and commitment to the Gospel as seen in St. Mathias, who was elected to replace Judas among the Apostles.

In conclusion, the Bishop beckoned on the students to be diligent in their studies and strive for moral and academic excellence despite the enticing trends of examination malpractice and moral decadence in our contemporary society.

Schools, students, and teachers who distinguished themselves in various internal and external competitions were rewarded with gifts from the Diocesan Education Committee as a motivation for more.

In his address, the Diocesan Education Secretary, Ven. Uzo-Nwachukwu Okeke, eulogized the Bishop for his love, vision, and commitment to education, which have translated to enviable transformation and achievements in the education sector of the Diocese on the Niger, Anambra State, and Nigeria, especially the University on the Niger take off.

The event of the day was concluded with the outdoor exhibition of different crafts, entrepreneurial and technological innovations, among which were security gadgets, waste management machines, automobile inventions, etc., which the Bishop rewarded with cash gifts to the schools as motivation for more innovations and creativity.

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