In today’s passage, we saw how the will of God for individual duty assignment was discovered through the casting of lots. Casting lots was a practice that was used in the Old Testament to attempt to decipher what was the divine will in a particular matter. Because the outcome produced by casting lots was random, the result was seen as the divine answer to whatever question or situation they were considering. However, there is a clear distinction on deciphering God’s will before Pentecost and after Pentecost. The difference is that after Pentecost, believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, which meant they no longer had to rely on an outward witness to decipher what God’s will was in a particular situation. As Jesus promised, we now have an inward witness, the Holy Spirit who leads, directs and teaches us all things (John 14:26, 16:13). A spirit filled child of God does not have to cast lots anymore, it is simply not necessary. We don’t have to wonder what direction God wants us to take, because He will guide us by His Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14). Our job now is to make sure we are in tune with the Holy Spirit.