Paul in today’s lesson was emphasising what the nature of the Christian life should be in all situations. His message here to the church at Philippi was to rejoice in every condition even when such conditions were adverse. Though Paul was talking to the Philippian church, it is important we know that the message is for all Christians. He was actually saying that Christians should put their trust in God, for He works all things together for His purposes (Rom. 8: 28; Psa. 55: 22). Paul was saying that instead of wallowing in worry, Christians should communicate with God in prayer. He argued that such prayer should be presented with a heart of thanksgiving, because by so doing, we would not be ungrateful to God who is in charge of all situations. As Christians, we are not expected to worry as doing so amounts to doubting God’s ability to take care of all things and to work all things together for our good. Rather, we should put our mind into control, communicate with God in faith and focus on that which is true (Eph. 4: 25), that which is noble (2Cor. 8: 21), that which is right (1Thess. 5: 22; James 3: 17). We must keep our minds on pure, lovely and admirable things of life (1Cor. 13: 4-7). By observing all these, we shall experience the peace of God that passes all human understanding.