Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

“Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action.” – Warren Bennis

God does not speak to you about where you are, He speaks to you about where you are going because where you are going is far more important than where you are.

Vision from God is a word from God for a purpose, time, place, or people. It means that God shows someone His will when He reveals it. Equally, it is a divine revelation of God’s purpose and plan which the receiver can visualize and accomplish by taking intermediate steps to follow God to fulfilment.

Note: Vision is a divine revelation. It may come from reading the Scripture, hearing a sermon, praying or from sitting down to use certain criteria to help you discover God’s revelation for your life. It may be for you as an individual or it could be for an organization which God has called you to lead. God has a will and purpose for both. It may be progressive, with God revealing part of His purpose and then enlarging it and giving specifics as you follow Him faithfully.

May God grant you the understanding of what a vision is, the effects of having a vision, the pathway to getting a vision and the vital steps to fulfilling your God given vision.



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