The finest flour

God continues to speak to Moses concerning offerings – grain offerings. God was particular about the quality of what the Israelites would bring as offerings –“…their offering is to be of the finest flour” (vs. 1,4,7). He is still interested in what we bring to Him. God desires, deserves, and demands the best, the finest flour of who we are (our hearts) and what we have (talents, treasures, and time).Offer to the Lord the best of your time – love and serve Him with all your strength, soul, mind, and heart. Offer to Him the best of your talents – your gifts, abilities, ideas, and intellect. Offer to Him the best of your treasures – gold, silver, money, and wealth. God is still interested in how you do it – according to His specific instruction and will. Your offering is to be of the finest flour.Again, the Priests are to deal with the offerings accordingly as the Lord has instructed them (vs. 2,8,9). They offer these things to the Lord in His altar. They are in constant communion with the Lord, presenting our requests and prayers to Him while they receive the guiding Word for the people. Remember, your “offering is to be of the finest flour