Shortly after His baptism, and after John had been put in the prison, Jesus knowing how short the time to complete His earthly ministry was, He immediately went about preaching the Good News (v14-15). And knowing the enormity of work, He chose some men who would work with Him. Some of them were fishermen while others were professionals in other fields. He transformed their profession, from being fishermen to fishers of men – soul winners (v17). Following Jesus is the only way to become a fisher of men. Following Him means being His disciple. And being His disciple is a lifelong process that only ends when we see Him face to face. Anyone who wins souls for God must have been transformed by the Gospel of Salvation, even as he/she follows Jesus and walks in His footsteps. In our time, Jesus still needs fishers of men. Men and women who have been saved, and who deliberately and consciously use every opportunity to witness for Christ. Jesus calls us in our various professions (doctors, lawyers, professors, businessmen, teachers, etc), to go out