Thinking of God’s abundant provision in his ministry caused Apostle Paul to conclude his letter in praise. He exclaimed that all glory must go to God alone (v.20). This is a suitable language for every child of God who daily experiences God’s gracious care, provision and help. Paul also extended his greetings to all saints in Phillippi, and sent greetings from the brethren who were with him, especially the saints of Caesar’s household. The godly influence, reputation and boldness of Paul reached even into Caesar’s household through the preaching of the gospel. This was a man who was under Roman imprisonment, yet he used such adventure to witness Christ to the so-called enemies of the Christian faith and won some of them to Christ. is is a great lesson from Paul’s strategic methods of evangelism. Christians must never underestimate the power of the gospel to change the lives of men, especially people of other faiths. Most times, though these people occupy high positions in society, Christians are encouraged to witness Christ to them always. It is not sinful if we have converts at the highest levels of affairs of our society. Such converts are better likened to spiders who find their ways into the king’s palace (Prov. 30: 28). The Gospel of Christ knows no boundary; it can penetrate the most forbidding walls and plant itself in the very homes of those who seek to kill it. Truly, the gates ofHades shall not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ.