The sole aim of false teachers and preachers is to destroy, damn and condemn the souls of men in hell forever. Knowing this, we must resist, reject, rebuke, withstand and never give them any opportunity in contact or communication. We must never receive them into our houses neither bid them God speed (2 John 10). The pure and undefiled truth in the whole world is God’s word as written in the Bible; it cannot be broken or changed. We must constantly read through the Bible, be versatile and well-acquainted with the whole truth therein. We must be rooted and grounded in the word of God, preach and teach same, and live out the same in a crooked generation. Any preaching or vision that contradicts the word of God must be discarded; it is not from God. Build and sustain your spirituality by guarding the true doctrines you know, refusing speculative doctrines of demons, having a pure heart, having genuine faith, having an indwelling spirit of truth and being faithful to God. Be a pattern of good to others, fight a good warfare, pray without ceasing and live godly and soberly in this present world. Be ready to suffer reproach for Christ, be content with life and abstain from all fleshly lust. Be holy, live blameless before God and be true to all men. It is in these things you lay hold of eternal life and conquer false teachers and deceivers.