he scriptures, in many places, talk about the love of God for mankind. The most popular of them all is in John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…”From our text today, the Psalmist outlines other ways through which God’s love for mankind is demonstrated: (1) God loads us with benefits (who dailybears our burden, v.19; NIV); (2) He saves us, v.20; (3) God fights our enemies, who are God’s enemies too, v.21. All these show that God has his people in mind and does not turn away His eyes from His people when they face challenges. This is why the Psalmist says that God is our Saviour who daily bears our burdens (v.19; NIV). When Christians face great trials like health issues, financial crises, marital problems, unemployment, insecurity, etc., God invites them to cast their burdens and cares upon Him (Psa. 55: 22). He then bears the weight of the burdens and sustains His people in the situations. God sets us free from bearing the burdens which enslavement to our enemies would impose on us. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself invites Christians who are faced with challenges to come to him with the assurance of giving them rest (Matt.11: 28). Again, Apostle Paul urges Christians to bring all their anxieties to God in prayer instead of worrying over them (Phil.4: 6). Taken together, all these clearly show other dimension of God’s love.ather; may I always recognise and appreciate your love for me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.