This psalm is an exhortation to the redeemed to praise the Lord for His unfailing love in that He hears the prayers of those in need and saves them. It exhorts the redeemed to praise the Lord for deliverance from desperate and dangerous situations. One of the four examples used by the psalmist to illustrate that God responds to the problem ofhis people when they pray, is hunger and thirst(vv.4-9).“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses“ (v.6). The Psalmist uses the above phrases four times, and four times it is stated that God “delivered them out of their distresses“ (vv.6, vv13, vv19, vv28). This calls for thanksgiving unto God! In this generation, this psalm is relevant for all believers who in their difficult situations cry out to the Lord. It builds up our faith and encourages us during those difficult times when we need God to intervene in our lives. God sometimes brings his children to a place where their own self-sufficiency fails and where no human can help, in order that they might call upon him in humble and childlike faith. After delivering the people from their problems, God expects thanksgiving from them. See Luke 17: 11-19. “Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” (Psa. 50: 15). This is a call to praise God! (v.1)!